Shedworking is fast approaching that magic mark of 1,000 subscribers (our baby sibling Bookshelf is a little over halfway there) so to celebrate we're offering a bumper pack of goodies to the 1,000th person to sign up to our RSS or email feed. Maybe you visit regularly but haven't signed up yet. Maybe you would like to recommend to friends that they try a daily dose of shedworking. As you're all keen readers, it's an old media book-based prize consisting of:
* Walden by Henry David Thoreau, the book that started it all
* Men and Sheds by Gordon Thorburn, the 20th century's iconic shed book
* Using natural finishes by Adam Weismann and Katy Bryce, the last word in natural finishes
* The Organic Garden by Allan Shepherd, a classic guide to green gardening
* A Child's Garden by Molly Dannemaier, smashing suggestions to encourage the little ones to enjoy the garden
We can send the winner every title or if you'd prefer mail them to individual addresses as presents with a pleasant card inside informing the lucky recipient of your benefaction.
Many thanks to
Emma Townshend for donating several of these prizes.