Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Spring compressor tools

We mentioned recently that the site has a tendency to concentrate on the ‘creative’ side of shedworking to the detriment of what might be described as ‘traditional’ shedworking skills and workers. So for those of you who are skilled at the plane and the lathe, here is a little something about spring compressor tools. Among the possibilities are:
• the Lisle 16750 Valve Spring Compressor which simplifies spring compression and keeper removal as it renders head removal unnecessary. It also has an adjustable cam action and is pretty swift as you do not have to make readjustments to the tool after each spring
• the OTC 7928 Ford Valve Spring Compressor Tool, OEM-approved and which does not require you to take the head from the engine first
• the Lisle 23300 Valve Spring Compressor, a small engine valve spring compressor for springs measuring 3/4" to 1-1/1 6" which features a heavy-duty frame and screw for extra rigidity plus two different jaw sizes
• the Lisle 44300 Valve Spring Compressor for high leverage and single hand use, again with a rigid frame and very strong yet only weighing in at just 6lbs. This is compatible with most valve-in head and L-head engines plus tractor and truck engines.


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Even for me, that's taking things a little to far in the other direction. I've nothing against diversity of topics but it would be nice to see the relavence to shed working in such articles.

  2. Yes indeed. I am very much with you on this one, Andy. It's a question of finding the right balance.
