Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Shedworking - housekeeping

A regular reader mentioned today that he feels the header logo (the big picture of sheds at the top of the page) is maybe too big and overpowering, and that we should perhaps be thinking along the lines of something a little more understated (cf BBC, ebay, amazon, facebook). I'd be very interested to hear what readers think.


  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Keep it simple but tasteful. BUT it nuust get its message across and it must be modern. I suggest five interlinked rings denoting the different aspects of shedworking or a rearing horse.

  2. I think anonymous is being too simplistic. Also, it is a poor attempt at humour wouldn't you all agree?

  3. @30york, I always welcome any creative comments. And to be honest, some people's idea of a joke is a bit ropey. You should hear some of my father's jokes for example...

  4. I vote in favor of understatement. And Alex, perhaps you should hold a little contest to encourage re-design ideas from your readers.

    Bill Kratz

  5. I think you could usefully tone it down a bit.

  6. I have no problem with the logo design itself but agree that it takes up a lot of your screen space.
