Jennie Hammill, piano teacher and owner of Ballard Woodworks in Seattle, has this rather lovely glass teahouse/conservatory in her back garden where she can relax and shedwork. Built by her and her neighbour and landscape architect
Randolph Scott Keller, it measures 10ft x 10ft with a 6ft 'extension' on one side. Interestingly, the walls were built using vintage windows with leaded glass, divided panes and a cottage-style one made from 30 tiny squares of glass. In a piece about the build by Debra Prinzing in
Seattle Homes and Lifestyles she describes how most of them cost only $5 to $20. She continues:
"She cut old glass panes to fit necessary sizes and custom-built a dozen 20-inch-square windows, each with two crossed mullions. These charming pieces surround the sides of a second-tier clerestory, so that even more light floods the interior space. The design echoes windows seen on Seattle's famed Volunteer Park Conservatory, a Victorian-era glass house erected in 1912."
Jennie's shed also features in Debra's book
Stylish Sheds and Elegant Hideaways: Big Ideas for Small Backyard Destinations
Photos by
William Wright.
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