While we tend to think of shedworking in terms of single occupancy in a modestly sized garden office, there are of course massive sheds in which people work. For instance, Australia's
ABC Rural reports that Western Australia's biggest mango packing shed - the size of 10 basketball courts and cost $6 million with the capability to handle 1.2 million trays of mangoes - has had its first run, packing fruit from this year's Ord Valley harvest. Those of you interested in big sheds should invest in Big Shed by Will Pryce, published by Thames & Hudson. Here's what they say about it:
"Beginning with the roots of the big shed – including 19th-century iron structures, the work of Buckminster Fuller, Archigram, and the Pompidou and Sainsbury Centres – the book is organized by function: exhibitions, industry, transport, sports and arts. Together these areas account for the best examples of big sheds over the past twenty years, and include work by Frank Gehry, Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Jean Nouvel, Daniel Libeskind, Nicholas Grimshaw and Toyo Ito, among many others."
Now this is going STRAIGHT on the amazon wishlist