When will we see the first cardboard garden offices, asks
The Independent meets the pioneers who are living off-grid...
Inhabitat wonders when we'll be painting solar panels onto our sheds... So does
Swansea University... H
ome Office Warrior is after tips for dealing with home office distractions...
OneSmallProject is inspired by shedlike living conditions in the working class neighbourhoods of the world...
James Glave answers some infrequently asked questions about his Eco-Shed (pictured above)... Here's the place to go for
A Quiet Sit Down...
The Daily Telegraph has lots of ideas for improving your house in the garden...
Stu's Shed is talking about a possible shed expansion...
Where is Roberg finds a shed with a view...
Judit Bellostes likes the look of the glass and steel of Café Bravo (pictured below)...
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