At this rate by the end of the year the number of books which mention shedworking will be in double figures. The latest is entrepreneur Ian Sanders' guide Leap! Ditch Your Job, Start Your Own Business & Set Yourself Free. Here's an excerpt from the book which he says is for aspiring shedworkers everywhere:
"There is a new trend for garden offices. In fact ‘Shedworking’ is not new; writers and artists have worked in sheds and summerhouses for generations. The bonus of a garden workspace is that there is a separation between where you live and where you work and with wifi you don’t even need an extra broadband connection. Salim is a radio producer who has built an office space and edit suite at the end of his garden away from his noisy kids; Sam is another Shedworker who runs a small record label from an outbuilding at the back of her garden."
Ian is more of a summerhouseworker than a shedworker but also something of a thirdplaceworker. He says:
"When it comes to workspaces I am a bit promiscuous but typically work includes the office at home in my loft (if my young kids are quiet); the summerhouse when it is sunny; a local office where I hot-desk a couple of days a week; a member’s club in Covent Garden; numerous trains, tubes and coffee shops in between."
You can read his
blog here, find out more about him from his rather nice
web site here and buy the
book here.
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