Monday, January 04, 2010

Funky Diva Designs: shedworker

Funky Diva Designs is a hand-crafted bespoke handbags and accessories business run by Anna. She is in fact only just embarking on her shedworking journey having used the shedworking atmosphere at the bottom of her garden simply for storage until very recently (partly because it had no electrical supply). Here's what she says:
After taking a break from working over the Christmas period I realised I really like having a kitchen that is clear of fabric and pins – less hazardous! So I have found a long external power line so I can run a power supply from the garage. I then gave it a hoover and moved the stuff I have been storing in there around. There is a huge work space table and another long bench to put supplies on.


Monday posts are sponsored by garden2office, the Swedish garden office specialists.Click here for more details.

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