Friday, April 18, 2008

Shedworking with your cat

For the right person, this would be the right accessory. From The Refined Feline. Look how happy that homeworker is in the 'after' shot, how sad she is in the 'before' frame. Here's what they say:
"We love our cats... and they seem to love walking across our keyboards! You can't blame them, they just want to be near us. With the Kit-In Box, cats have a place to rest that's out of the way, but still an arm length's away from a scratch on the belly. The Kit-In Box can attach to the side of a desk or be placed on top it. Felt pads protect the desk top. Cats are drawn to the soft cushion and the high walls, which are perfect for nesting. The Kit-In Box can support a 20 lbs cat and even small dogs!"
Via Cubeme

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    That's what I need! My cat's always hanging around on the desk when he's least needed...
