According to Company Car Driver (and they should know), the average company car driver spends 11 days a year stuck in congestion. Their joint report with the RAC reveals that:
* congestion takes up five hours of a company car driver's time each week
* 40% of company car drivers want more encouragement to work from home
* 25% would like to see more flexible working hours to help them avoid congestion.
Rather more worrying, the report also said that 10% of company car drivers have fallen asleep at the wheel. Edmund King, executive director of the RAC Foundation, said: "Too much time is wasted sitting in traffic jams. Companies and drivers need to get smarter to avoid congestion." Jeremy Bennett, editor of CCD, added: “The survey results suggest that too many company car drivers are under too much pressure and perhaps some could avoid congestion by making more use of the super highway rather than sitting in jams on the real highway.”
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