Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Happy Birthday to Sarah Salway

Shedworking's literary editor celebrates her birthday today. The problem in finding her an online present is that she has so many interests but since I couldn't find a photo of Gary Lightbody pushing a shopping trolley behind a gravestone bearing a unique typeface, I've had to settle for something which combines two of her other passions, books and benches (via Irish Typepad on Flickr), made by members of a Clonmel Youth Group for the Clonmel Junction Festival.


  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Happy Birthday! And may there be ten times as much cake as candles!

  2. You know what, I got the day wrong - it's Thursday, not today, but I'm too embarrassed to do an update in the main text because then people will point and laugh at me.

  3. Ha, very funny, just wished Sarah a happy birthday, but luckily for me I named my information source...so you're going to be stuck on the naughty bench in the corner now, Alex (in your shed, of course).

  4. No, no ... I love it! It makes me feel a whole two days younger ... x
