A quick thank you to all readers of Shedworking and The Shed magazine and particular thank yous to: Uncle Wilco at readersheds/shedblog for all his help, both shedrelated and technical plus his superlative efforts in organising the first National Shed Week; to Lloyd and Justin for their many suggestions and kind words; to Scott and Clare for championing the Shedworking book; to Emma and San for their homeworking expertise; and to everybody who's emailed, written, phoned, skyped, lost to me at Scrabulous and indeed visited during 2007. It's been a pleasure meeting you all and I hope we get to do it all again in 2008.
Image of The Shepheardes Calendar by Hilda Quick (The Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume I edited by Professer W. L. Renwick, 1930) courtesy of the rather nice FromOldBooks
Happy new wossname to you and yours Alex