Friday, January 18, 2008

Around the shedworld

Sheddies in the Black Country should go to Shedblog for details of a forthcoming radio programme looking for guests... First call for companies interested in getting involved with National Shed Week 2008... Treehugger reports on small-scale solar-powered air-conditioning units perfect for shedworking... homeworkers of all types will be alarmed by The Times' article on how Microsoft is seeking a patent for office 'spy' software... third place working in coffeeshops with your laptop is likened to unprotected sex at Chief Home Officer... materialicious has lots of intriguing cabin links... Reading's RISC edible roof garden looks tasty... Fat's coversion of a chapel into a house, pictured above, has a nice shedlike feel to it... Etienne Meneau's elastic house, pictured below, featured by designboom has definite shedworking possibilities...

1 comment:

  1. Alex I want an elastic shed.... NOW...

    great find...
