Friday, January 04, 2008

Around the shedworld

Kent Griswold's Tiny House Blog aims to "to discover the different options available for a person looking to down size into a tiny house or cabin...looking at different type of construction, from logs, to yurts to modern and the unusual"... Materialicious looks at the shack at hinkle farm pictured above...Shedblog reveals that Fuzzy Felt was developed in a shed... Trendhunter suggests a rather nice teleconferencing desk with 42" pop-up plasma screen...Jane Perrone's shed of the year is Simon Kirby's from The Plot Thickens...The Green Workplace talks about how green workplaces increase productivity...Hania, friend of Shedworking, has a very nice business selling olive oil from Jordan...


  1. I have heard of that shed of the year thing!, wonder where!.


  2. To quote Will Smith, "I gotta have me one of these." Looks simple enough for my part of the mountainside, but still plenty of fun.
