Friday, February 22, 2008

Shedblog/Shedworking forum

Good news. The Shedblog's forums are up and running again and now have an extra added Shedworking section for your shedworking chitchat. There's a feed a little way down in the right hand column of this site or you can go direct to the forums here. Uncle Wilco, who is running the forums, emphasises that it's a work in progress but that shouldn't stop you going ahead and posting your thoughts and comments.


  1. Saaaaaay,
    That forum looks familiar. And what a lovely photo of it.
    I plan to send some photos of my shed soon.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. What a good idea this blog is and very good looking. I am about to move my business into my garden room and will be interested in its content.
