Those of you who are more interested in the shed aspect of shedworking as opposed to the working bit will enjoy a flick through the web site of Anna Baker, a York based photographer, who exhibited a show of photos of traditional allotment sheds at various museums in Yorkshire under the title Real Estate describing them as "structures that appear as the result of anarchic creativity". Here's how she (and her collaborator Pat Borthwich) describe the exhibition (some of which you can see by clicking here):
"The photographs depict allotment sheds found in the urban areas of Yorkshire, and are supported by a montaged loop-tape of the voices of their owners and a medley of ambient and related sounds. Real Estate documents the unique sheds and shelters constructed over the last fifty years on Northern allotments. Attempts to capture the individual creativity involved in their construction, and celebrate the particular intimacy, privacy and sense of freedom which they provide. The exhibition integrates the real voices of the allotment owners and users."Of course for lots more sheds, you should nip over to www.readersheds.co.uk.
allotsheds on that site... reminds me of the luxury shed calendar.