Saturday, May 02, 2009

Name That Shed

Can you name that shed?


  1. Thank you for given post of shedworking.

  2. Not the one that Hewlett & Packard used ?

  3. Our next door neighbours in Vernon Drive Stanmore circa 1957 - 3 nice boys who made fantastic spaceships in there and invited me and my brother in.

  4. Well I left a cryptic answer and went to email Alex with the real one and his email is bouncing back so I'll put it here:

    It IS the shed where Hewlett Packard started.


  5. "The HP Garage in Palo Alto, CA is the original location at which William Hewlett and David Packard created technology giant Hewlett-Packard and is considered the heart of Silicon Valley."

    I remember seeing this in an article some time back...

  6. There wasae MAN who planted the tree,
    that was felled by the feller
    and sawn in the Mill
    to be made into planks
    to be seasoned and dried
    that was joined up with joints
    And strengthened with nails
    And given a roof and given a floor
    And a window and door
    This is the shed that JACK built

  7. There wasae MAN who planted the tree,
    that was felled by the feller
    and sawn in the Mill
    to be made into planks
    to be seasoned and dried
    that was joined up with joints
    And strengthened with nails
    And given a roof and given a floor
    And a window and door
    This is the shed that JACK built

  8. Dear me! I seem to be repeating myself. I must have my finger too much on the button, I suppose.

  9. Walt Disney's first studio
