Thursday, November 11, 2010

Is Neil Gaiman's gazebo a red herring?

Regular readers of Shedworking (and those of you who have read the book) will know that Neil Gaiman is a shedworker. But in an interesting post, writer Doyce Testerman suggests that 'You do not need Neil Gaiman's gazebo'. Although he admits that writing huts are very pleasant (and generously gives this site a kind hat tip), he argues that what writers should concentrate on is the actual writing part of their job description in whatever space they have available and goes on to make excellent points about procrastination in general. It's well worth reading and not just if you are a writer as Neil himself has tweeted:

Great blog on procrastination, and why you do not need my gazebo: than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Thursday posts are sponsored by Atelier garden studios which are sustainable, stylish, flexible, functional and future proofed

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