Saturday, October 16, 2010

Children's sheds: A Place Imagined

The finest blog about children's play structures and sheds is A Place Imagined which is run by Holly Gomez and an absolute must for anybody interested in sheds and shedworking. Here's what she says about its aims:
Artist and writers have been known to escape to their hut where they create masterpieces in secret. They enter into a world of their own in touch with nature but detached from everything else. I have often wondered if the simplicity of a hut somehow encourages us to look inward where we find a creative energy that is then released back into the world. I daydream about creating these spaces that slow us down, spaces that make us see. It is my hope that this place, A Place Imagined, will encourage children as well as adults to pause for a moment and create.
Recently featured is the tree stump playhouse made out of, well, a tree stump, and this incredible castle playhouse below built using wooden 'stones' made by hand as well as other salvaged materials.
Be prepared to lose a significant part of your day exploring the site.
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1 comment:

  1. Those playhouses are amazing! My youngest would love to have one of those in the garden.
