Monday, October 11, 2010

Angie Lewin: shedworker

One of the UK's finest printmakers Angie Lewin (who also has a new book out, Angie Lewin: Prints and Places) works in an L-shaped black clapboard studio in the garden of her Norfolk home - in the video above you can enjoy watching her printing a copy of 'Winter Spey', a combined linocut and wood engraving and there is a nice Flickr set featuring images of Angie's studio, showing work in progress, preparatory sketches and inspirational objects. In an interview with Home & Antiques magazine, she explained that she starts her day in the garden office at 8.30am, first catching up on emails and then drawing, linocutting, wood engraving or printing. According to the Sunday Times, the shed includes a small press and blocks for her prints as well as dried teasels, alliums and artichoke heads as well as pebbles and seaweed. Indeed this is a his and hers shedworking setup since her husband Simon's garden office (which looks a bit like a railway carriage) is right next to hers.
Monday posts are sponsored by garden2office, the Swedish garden office specialists.Click here for more details.

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