Friday, September 09, 2011

Relax Kids' solar-powered shed

2011 is the year when solar power has really come to the world of shedworking - every week we're hearing more stories about garden offices fitted with solar panels and shedworkers powering their offices at least partly using free sun. The latest to get in touch is Marneta Viegas who runs Relax Kids which helps children relax, manage anger, anxiety and stress with a range of CDs. Here's what she says:
"Here's my new shed, my new office, a simple 6x8ft one. This is the place where I like to relax in the garden while I write my books and CDs. I love watching the wildlife as I work. We have installed simple solar panels so I have electricity which is useful. We just got the solar panels on ebay - the set up was really cheap and we just have a battery in the shed with a plug so I can listen to the radio or work on my laptop."

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