Bernard Shaw’s Rotating House Is an Aid to Health appeared in the August issue of Modern Mechanics (which has been revived at the
Modern Mechanix site). In the article above, Shaw suggests that he is in the pink thanks to the amount of sun his rotating garden office affords him. "Mr. Shaw has a plan to keep the sun shining on him constantly while he works," runs the feature. "He has constructed a small hut on his grounds that is built on a turntable. When the morning sun shifts, he merely places his shoulder against the side of the hut and gives it a push so that the warming beams fall through bis window at the correct angle. Mr. Shaw’s plan to keep the sun shining on him is a simple health measure, and not a wanton eccentricity. The author has spent most of his life out of doors, but when he moved to London he didn’t get as much sun as he thought he needed. Hence the hut."

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