Monday, February 08, 2010

Shedworking redesign: your thoughts please

It's been a long time since Shedworking had any kind of a wash and brush up. Or in fact cleaned its teeth. So it's time for a sensitive overhaul. What new bits and bobs would you like to see in a design change? What wouldn't you like to see? What would you like to retain from this friendly old jumper of a design? And what should be consigned to the pedal shed bin of history? All and any thoughts extremely welcome either directly to me by email, via twitter (@shedworking) or in the comments section below.

Monday posts are sponsored by garden2office, the Swedish garden office specialists.Click here for more details.


  1. Can we please lose the irritating search bar in the bottom left of the screen?

  2. I'd like to see more sheds! Particularly pictures from the shedworkers themselves.

    Longer articles too. I don't mind if your article is just a link to a longer article elsewhere, but please, if you link to a company, don't just link to the web site: link to something to see or read. If the companies aren't providing something interesting, encourage them to!

  3. Widen it out! (I mean the design, not the scope) Or at least find a way to lose that huuuge right hand side nav bar!

    try to separate out the ads from the content a bit better - content seems to be losing the battle a bit at the moment...

    More shed-networking and interviews with shedworkers perhaps.

    more shedcam virtual meetups shedworkers radio?

    >>whispers<< {"move it to wordpress" ;-)}

  4. definitely wider page, bigger pictures. I have been pushing TH to emulate inhabitat and go to 537 or 550 wide. Shorten your graphic at the top, takes up way too much screen. I liked your last design better than this one. Best design site redesign made to look good on iPod and iPad: mocoloco
