Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Shedworking featured in The Guardian

Mercedes Bunz says that small businesses are the new mass market on The Guardian site today and includes the first results from their crowd-sourced search for the latest trends in technology start-ups. And Shedworking is the first to get a namecheck ("this little lovely blog about the lifestyle of shedworkers"). The rest of the piece is well worth a read.
Tuesday posts are sponsored by The Home Office Company, manufacturers of unique garden rooms since 1998. Now in 10 exciting new colours. Click here for more details.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    I'm Thomas from the new Dobbies.co.uk blog.

    I've written a post called '37 Great Gardening Blogs', which of course includes 'Shed Working'. You can read the full article here:


    We'd would like to know if you have any problems with being included? If you do, please let us know and we'll be happy to remove your site from the list.

    We'd also like to make you our 'Gardening Blog of the Week', so if there's any specific information you'd like us to include or if you'd prefer for us not to feature you, please do let us know.

    Thanks for your time. Drop us a line anytime.

    All the best


    (for) Ian Daniels


    Dobbies Garden Centres Plc
    Melville Nursery
    EH18 1AZ
    Tel: 0131 663 6778
