Sunday, January 16, 2011

Painter's studio and home office

Here's a lovely bespoke shedworking build in Wickham Market by architects 2hD for painter and fellow freelance journalist Michael Clarke which was Highly Commended by RIBA. Here's what 2hD say:
"The studio is carefully placed to complete the layout of the garden and to make best use of natural light and views out. The interior space is dramatic for such a small building, but it also has a cosy and relaxed feel, supporting long periods of focused creative work. The building is very well insulated with a small woodburning stove, used only in the coldest times, to provide all the heating needs."
And here's what Michael says:
“I wanted a flexible working space set apart from the house, with a district personality that would, nevertheless, not clash with the village setting. The studio is a real joy. Being flooded with natural light and with high levels of insulation, it uses little energy. I seldom turn on the lights, even on the gloomiest of days, and the stove is only lit occasionally, as the building keeps a regular temperature throughout the year.”
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