One of the companies most alive to the importance of garden office/shed design is
Historic Shed. Pictured above is one of their recent builds, a 12'x14' climate-controlled shed to be used as archives storage on a site listed on the National Register of Historic Places and settled in late 19th century Florida - it will also be used as a shedworking space for visiting researchers. The brief for Historic Shed was to design and build the shed to complement the existing historic site, something they've certainly achieved. Among its many lovely features are the cypress board and batten siding, exposed rafter tails, a custom dutch door and gable-end lattice details drawn from the various buildings on the property. "Salvaged historic windows for the shed were provided by the owner and still have all their wavy glass panes," says Jo-Anne Peck of Historic Shed. Pictured below are a desk constructed of cypress planks provided by the owner and the pecky cypress ceiling with shellac finish. Read more about the build
here where there are also more photos.

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Atelier garden studios which are sustainable, stylish, flexible, functional and future proofed
Of course cypress wood to keep the bugs away.