Saturday, November 28, 2009

Choosing a shed - bdavison design

bdavision design - run by Branden Davison - specialises in bespoke timber buildings, particularly garden offices of all sizes. Above is a 16m² garden office designed for three workstations, with Velux roof windows, and full height French doors and two casement windows. Most interestingly, all the wall panels are interchangeable so you can keep fiddling with the layout. Below is an artist's studio designed using the Japanese rule of scale so that the proportions of the building are directly related to the dimensions of the tatami mat.There are also some interesting design ideas on Branden's website, including this one with a rather pleasant porch area.
Saturday's posts are sponsored by, the UK’s most extensive office supplies website. Supplying a huge choice of envelopes, labels and a whole lot more to shedworkers everywhere!

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