Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Home Office Highway 2009

Yes, it's heading towards that time of the year again when Jeff Zbar - the Chief Home Officer - leaps from behind the desk of his home office and heads off on his annual mobile office adventure. Home Office Highway ‘09 is still at the planning stage but it's worth heading over to see how he's getting on already with what he describes as his 'Vocation-Meets-Vacation event'. Essentially, Jeff will leave his South Florida home with work and family and whizz around the Southeast US showing how you can work from home on the open road (and get sponsored along the way - Verizon Wireless and Office Depot are already signed up). Or as he puts it:
This three-week voyage is putting wheels on the perfect hi-tech mobile office. Functional, informative, liberating & fun, it features three kids, two adults, one teched-out, Internet-connected RV-turned-home-office – with almost 3,000 miles of America to be explored and a new way to work to be chronicled.
Wednesday's posts are sponsored by The Garden Room Company®, the UK's premier supplier of garden offices and garden rooms. Click here.

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