This week, Emma Jones from Enterprise Nation looks at the microblogging site Twitter.
You know there’s something happening when you speak at a business event, mention the benefits of Twitter and, by the time you’re home, have 13 new followers. Twitter is catching on. Fast. And it’s a great little tool for business, if you know how best to use it. Not only are people signing up to Twitter in their millions, it’s the application on everyone’s lips. In the past two days, popular blog Zen Habits has posted a feature on ‘how to get things done with Twitter’ and copyblogger.com is advising on ‘how to go viral with Twitter.’
The more this micro-blogging platform is spoken about, the more it will continue to catch on. And why not? When Twitter is free, quick to use, and easy to maintain, it’s only right that so many people are opting to post life and business snapshots in 140 characters or less. Here are some tips on how it can work for you.
Make it easy for people to follow you – display a Twitter feed on your website or blog and include your Twitter identification at the end of presentations and on profiles.
Ease in to it gently – post gradually at first and get comfortable with becoming a micro-blogger. People have told me they don’t feel Twitter is for them. I reply to say that’s how I felt at first. But if you see Twitter for what it is (a useful business tool and social meeting pot) then it soon becomes a useful and enjoyable part of everyday life.
Share your expertise – Twitter is a great outlet for sharing your knowledge. Post links to industry news and snippets and upload your thoughts and ideas. This will enhance your image as an expert and encourage people to buy from you.
Get feedback – asking questions via Twitter will result in almost immediate responses. Journalists post and ask for case studies, pollsters ask for views and on the road homeworkers ask for hotel recommendations.
Join the conversation – make the most of Twitter as a business and social tool. When you work from home it’s good to have a network of chattering contacts that you can step into on a 5 minute break or breather.
I would recommend Twitter to you all. Sign up at twitter.com and find and follow me at emmaljones – I share home business tips...and offer what one shedworker believes to be out-of-touch homeworking playlist recommendations!
Emma Jones is Founder of Enterprise Nationand author of ‘Spare Room Start Up – how to start a business from home’
Linked to your suggestion of displaying a twitter identity on your presentations, it also makes sense if your weblink and bio are populated so people know who you are when they see the details.
ReplyDeleteStephen Fry also has some twitter tips.