Monday, October 19, 2009

Cottontails: shedworkers

Cottontails is a small family run mail order toy shop established in 2002 and run by mother and daughter team Mary and Charlotte (if you're a Moulin Roty fan, then this is definitely a site to head for). "So far it is proving to be a beautiful, peaceful place to work," says Charlotte. "We keep some of the smaller items and soft toys in the office, with the bigger items and things in bulk held in a separate storage facility nearby. It's useful to have the toys on hand like this as I get calls most days from customers wanting some specific bit of information - like the length of a bunny's ears or the exact pattern on a mouse's dress - so it's good to have the things in front of me, where I can pick them up and handle them, and not too far away in a warehouse."

Monday's posts are sponsored by garden2office, the Swedish garden office specialists.Click here for more details.

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