A lovely example of a white garden office, the shedworking spot of flower specialist Flowerona. Here's what founder Rona Wheeldon says about it:
It’s not grand by any means! Bijoux would be more apt a description. But it’s just what I wanted as an alternative place for me to escape to…my little sanctuary. I’ve only been using it for the last month or so, since the weather’s warmed up. And I’ve found that I get lots of work done there... I tend to head out there in the afternoons, with a cuppa, for a couple of hours or so, as a break from my office indoors, a spare bedroom in our house. I love having the doors wide open, hearing birdsong and buzzing bees. And it’s even a lovely place to be when it’s raining.
There are more photos and source information - the building comes from Waltons - at her blog here. --------------------------------------------------------------------

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