Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tetra shed: the new face of garden offices?

How often do you come across a truly revolutionary garden office design? Tetra Shed has already been described, we think a little unfairly, as 'Darth Vader's Shed', but when this modular new shedworking system (coming soon in January 2012) opens out it looks rather intriguing...

The single module has been designed to be a modern garden office for one or two people but obviously if you have a large garden then you can add extra elements, up to six modules. According to its designer David Ajasa-Adekunle from Innovation Imperative Tetra Shed is suitable for permanent year-round use and is built around a timber frame with rubber cladding, a plywood interior and LED strip lighting. They also believe it could be used for beach huts, classrooms, and retail space.

Lots more photos at their website.
Wednesday posts are sponsored by The Stable Company®, the UK's premier supplier of garden offices and garden rooms. Click here.


  1. Darth Vader's shed! How funny would that be. Can you seen Vader out in the garden pruning roses. I think it would make a great Japanese Tea Ceremony room as part of a rock garden.

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Larger tessellations can be used for a range of applications such as classrooms, exhibition space, corporate events, tourism & leisure facilities and retail space.
    makati office space

  3. Anonymous2:07 PM

    That is one of the best things I have ever seen, would love a garden room like this in my garden haha!

  4. Now, that is a weird shed. Looks like a shed that might have been discovered by the "Curiosity" on the planet Mars. Very futuristic and creative. Who said a gardens shed had to be boxy?
