They don't just want to find out what home-based businesses do but also what they want and need. So they have included questions on ideas that might (or might not) appeal to you to help you grow your business from home and included questions about planning rules, tax, business support and business/creative networks. In particular, they are testing potential demand for 'workhubs' and live/work property.
They have also been asked by The Haven Charity to test interest in new ways to support women in Wolverhampton who work from home: the self-employed, professionals, freelancers and those with their own companies. The Haven is planning to develop a new 'workhub' building in the city centre to support women's enterprise. One of the elements of the proposal is the creation of a number of live/work units in the building: properties that combine workspace and home.
For more information on live/work here is an easy to download guide.
Again, they have set up an easy-to-take online survey (as before, anonymity and data protection is guaranteed). To take the survey, visit their specialist live/work website and click on WOLVERHAMPTON SURVEY.

The internet has made life easier. We can make purchases, pay our taxes, watch movies and much more through the network without leaving home. Now we can add to this list of activities, working from home and do business only with adapt certain spaces to these objectives.