The Deluxe model, built from their Hampshire workshop, is individually handcrafted from weather treated pine, coloured to the client’s spec. It has two opening windows built into the side walls and a skylight above a secure locking door. Inside there’s plenty of room to work not to mention seating for 15 people on luxury fitted cushions around the central Ultimate Barbeque, with three fully adjustable rotating grill plates. It has a static chimney hood to draw the smoke away from the fire and a roof finished in colourful felt roof tiles, not to mention a telescopic chimney.
Normal optional extras on a garden office shed usually include extra windows or desks. If you buy an Anglo Igloo you could also choose a Lazy Bones Spit Roaster, seats which can be converted into beds, and a fridge. There is also an Anglo Inglet option, an annexe building with internal locking doors connecting to the Igloo as well as a door giving access to the garden. Plus benches which turn into a bed platform.
Anglo Igloo also appeared on BBC's excellent Working Lunch programme recently and you can see them and find out more about their business here.
A version of this article appears in the latest issue of The Shed.Email me here to receive a free pdf copy.
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