Thursday, October 15, 2009

PARCS: interior shedworking

Here's another in a long line of shedlike atmospheres which work well in a 'traditional' office environment, PARCS from PearsonLloyd. It's a complete collection of office furniture which includes benches, sofas and informal circular meeting 'rooms'. Here's what the perspicacious Tom Lloyd of PearsonLLoyd says:
"Most managers think that if you are away from your desk, you’re not working. It needs progressiveness to recognise that someone who sits on a sofa can still be creating value for the company."
They believe that PARCS improves productivity, as well as anticipating future changes in working patterns as well as, slightly more mysteriously, claiming that it is "the first industrialised product line of its kind with a holistic and cultural approach".
Via dezeen
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