An interesting slot on Lorraine Kelly's eponymous ITV show this week featured radio presenter Beverley Turner, former wife of rower/Strictly dancer James Cracknell, talking about how he has recovered from his accident and about her interview/features on male mental health issues playing on Union JACK Radio this week. The whole interview is below and the couple talk about the Scottish Men's Sheds Assocation from the 3:30 point:
Meanwhile, The Glasgow Caledonian University 'Sheds for Sustainable Development Project' has out out a new policy briefing looking at findings from their study on the impacts of Men's Shed activity. You can read the whole thing here, but here's their summary:
Studies have shown that although men are more likely to faceillness and mortality, and are more likely to take part in risky behaviours than women, they are less likely to useformal healthcare. Men’s Sheds have been identified as a potential way for men to access support and take part in positive healthbehaviours in an informal ‘male friendly’environment. This briefing outlines emerging findings from in-depth interviews with 62 members of five Men’s Sheds in Scotland. Our findings suggest that the characteristics of Men’s Sheds, in offering practical and social activity in a space that is inclusive of all men, impacts on the mental health, physical health, and social wellbeing of Shed members. Findings also suggest that the supportive atmosphere of Men’s Sheds allows men to share personal challenges as well as life skills and experiences in a safe and socially acceptable environment.
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