A fascinating post by digital marketing consultant Ryan Gibson looks not only at the ins and outs of a home office/gym build warts and all, but also includes a detailed breakdown of the financials involved. In particular, he works out whether it was a decent investment, taking into account savings made on commuting, coworking rent, etc. And here's his conclusion:
Just under 5 years and 2 months to break even. Of course this was far more than a financial decision but any decision made should have some loose justification. It’s worth noting that we have had the house valued and it’s now 35k above our overall investment. House values are incredibly subjective and mean nothing unless you sell the house but it’s another positive on the ROI front.Well worth a read if you are considering going down the shedworking route and want to get a handle on the financials. Link to the whole blog post is at the top of this one.

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