Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nicola Morgan: shedworker

Author and book publishing expert Nicola Morgan (aka the Crabbit Old Bat) has just become a shedworker, now working from what she calls her Crabbit Hutch. She was kind enough to answer a few questions about the experience:

Why a garden office? 

Easy: smallish flat and huge garden; the need for a spare room which people could actually sleep in; the desire actually to “go” to work instead of being surrounded by it. Twenty-five years of working at home had left me needing to separate work from home, create some routine. And I wanted to commute, with a real briefcase!

Has it worked? 
Well, it’s only Day Two so routine is possibly not the right word, but I can tell you a load of pleasures I’ve found. With the door open, all I hear is birdsong. With the door closed, I’ve discovered it’s totally soundproof so I can play Coldplay very loudly. And sing. (The glass wall makes dancing less recommended.) All I see are rhododendrons, azalea, a castor oil palm, pieris and orange blossom – and, lest I forget that this is Edinburgh, Calton Hill through the trees. It’s fabulously insulated and I am already absolutely in love with it. It is actually beautiful, which I wasn’t expecting. Suddenly, the garden has a purpose. So now I walk to work with my briefcase. All that’s missing is a water cooler. But I’m really looking forward to the office party.

Who supplied it?
Booths Garden Studios is the company. The guys installed the whole thing in a day and a half of pouring, mud-churning rain, without a word of complaint. The special design means no foundations, just four adjustable corner struts, so it can be built on any surface. Pretty special and highly recommended.
Homestead Timber Buildings - For that Office in your Garden

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