Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Floating shed

There are some sheds which resurface every so often but rarely with proper attribution. Here's one of them, Brian Reade's Shedboatboat in hommage to the Turner Prizewinning Shedboatshed, the building of which he recounted in the Daily Mirror (with some strong language which might shock delicate Shedworking readers). Here's an excerpt:
"A man's shed is more than just a place for shovels. It is a sanctuary. A peaceful haven to retreat with a bottle of whisky, the sports pages and the radio when Strictly Come Dancing is frying the family's brains.

So it wasn't easy to take a hammer to this oasis of male intimacy.

But thanks to six months watching Bob the Builder, and with the help of Scoop, Muck and Dizzy from Liverpool building merchants, the Paul Flanagan Group, I gave it a crack. Too many cracks actually. And smashed a window pane.

Which was when we realised we needed a strategy...

Let's saw it in half, nail it to a piece of plywood, pack it with high-density polystyrene, cut a hole in the roof, grab a paddle and set sail.

Two hours later, what looked like a large kennel arrived at Liverpool's Sefton Park boating lake."

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