There's obviously been a huge increase over the last few months in the idea of garden offices, shedworking, and working from home. I've seen various publications rushed out to meet this demand, most of which are frankly not that wonderful. But this latest one from Malvern Garden Buildings (you can download it here as a pdf for free) is well worth a look. Naturally, there is an emphasis on their own, impressive, products, but I know it's been in the works for a while and talking to them, they were keen to emphasise that it is very much a 'shedifesto'. It's beautifully put together - the images alone will persuade anybody still sitting on the fence to buy a garden office - with brief case studies, comments from homeworking experts, and various practical things to bear in mind when buying a garden office. All in all, well worth a browse.
-------------------------------------------------Monday posts are sponsored by garden2office, the Swedish garden office specialists. Click here for more details.
Since I started working from my garden, I couldn't go back to working in a traditional office. Got myself a roomy corner summerhouse from As I say, couldn't go back to working in a an office without plush green views!