Thursday, September 20, 2018

George Saunders: shedworker

On the day the Man Booker Prize shortlist is revealed, it's interesting to discover that last year's winner (for Lincoln in the Bardo) George Saunders is a shedworker. He tells Writers & Artists that: "I have a writing shed in New York that I go to. It was actually a tool shed and my wife, very sweetly, remade it and now the family joke is that I’m the only tool in the tool shed"

Here he is waxing lyrical for The Letters Page magazine about his shedlife:
Here in my writing shed, door open, dog at my feet, on a clear fall day, on which the quality of light is so clean that it has all day been landing on the autumnal woods in a way that makes a person just want to stand there and stare
And here's a good description of it from the New York Times:
Saunders writes in a shed across the driveway from his house, where we sat for a couple hours one morning while his two yellow labs nosed around outside the door. There’s the desk and a sofa and a table stacked with books that he has been researching for his next project. On the shelves there are pictures of him and [his wife] Paula and the girls and a great one from his jazz-fusion days of him playing a Fender Telecaster, with white-blond Johnny Winter hair to his shoulders. “In our lives, we’re many people,” he said as he lifted the photo off the shelf.

Thursday posts are sponsored by Cabin Master: garden offices and studios to fit any size garden. Top quality contemporary or traditional buildings.

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