Thursday, January 24, 2013

Shed restaurants

Zoe Williams in the Daily Telegraph takes a look at The Shed restaurant in London W8, ("It's teeny inside, with rough-and-ready furniture, and bits of tractor stuck on the walls") and then namechecks several other shed-named restaurants including The Coal Shed in Brighton [not actually a shed - Ed], The CowShed in Bristol [nor this] and The Potting Shed in Malmesbury ("Watering-cans by the bar and wheelbarrow lampshades") [more of a pub to be honest].
Thanks to Judy Heminsley for the eagle eyes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homestead Timber Buildings - Manufacturers of Quality Timber Buildings

1 comment:

  1. And of course The Lazy Cow Shed in Murchison, New Zealand ( which really is a shed)
