Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Scottish Men's Sheds Association on the brink of closure

Terrible news, as reported in the media that the marvellous Scottish Men's Sheds Association is looking to wind up operations of its 200 sheds and 10,000 members by the end of the year.

According to The Sunday Post, the yo-yo decisions on funding by the Scottish Governement continue. It recently decided again to withdraw funding despite the opposition that erupted the last time they made this decision back in 2022 and were forced to backtrack. Irish and Australian governments keep their own projects fully funded.

Speaking to the newspaper, SMSA chief executive Jason Schroeder, said: “We’ve got enough funding for about nine or 10 months and then we’ll be looking at winding up. We’ll be celebrating our 10th anniversary in October – hopefully we’ll be celebrating rather than closing." 

More than 5,000 people have signed this petition calling on the decision to be reversed. "Now is not the time to abandon and disinvest in this successful men’s health movement that is voluntarily engaging with and reaching men and changing and saving lives," it says. "These volunteers need our support now more than ever as evidenced by the ever-increasing growth in our membership." 


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