Friday, March 18, 2022

Rise in shedworking leads to decline in doughnut sales and increase in blazers

An intriguing report from the Office of National Statistics about its 2022 'inflation basket of goods' - the 700+ items that it uses to measure the changing cost of living in the UK - suggests the rise of shedworking and general uptake of 'non-traditional offices' has been responsible for some major societal changes.

Perhaps most attention grabbing is this statement. "The increase in homeworking has seen sales of individual cakes decline in favour of multipacks, so our representative sweet treat, the single doughnut, is leaving the basket this year." 

 ONS head of economic statistics Sam Beckett added: “The 2022 basket of goods sees some really interesting changes, with the impact of the pandemic still evident in our shopping habits. With many people still working from home, demand for more formal clothing has continued to decrease. So, men’s suits disappear from the basket and are replaced with a formal jacket or blazer."

If you are wearing more blazers and eating fewer doughnuts, we'd be interested to hear from you.


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