Sunday, November 21, 2021

Garden office Christmas presents ideas

To be honest, the Shedworking HQ staff are a bit sniffy about the standards of lists of things to buy the home office worker in your life (which is highly likely of course to be you, dear reader), especially for Christmas. But Good Housekeeping has come up with one which is rather better than the normal run of the mill ones. Of the 20 they pick, our favourites are the Home Office candle (water lilies, patchouli and amber, above), the commuting mug (below), and the temperature control smart mug (below, below).

And I have a new book out just in time for Christmas, nothing to do with sheds but still something that would brighten up any garden office, Art Day By Day: 366 Brushes With History.


Sunday posts are sponsored by Henshalls Insurance, specialists in insuring garden offices and other garden buildings. Click here for more information.

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