Monday, September 14, 2020

Catskill Mountains teahouse garden office

Author and magazine editor Rebecca Rego Barry is also a shedworker. Here, she describes her path to a shedworking life.

"This shed or outbuilding or ’teahouse,’ as we call it, was built in 2005, the year my husband and I relocated to the Catskill Mountains of New York," says Rebecca. "We moved in ’next door’ to my inlaws on a rural, dead end road, and presciently, my mother-in-law decided to build this one-room getaway in the acre or two of land between us. She and my father-in-law constructed it entirely on their own, getting help only when it came to shingling the roof. 

"When my children were younger, my mother-in-law hosted a book club for them in the teahouse during summer, and sometimes we would meet there for lunch or tea. For the past 18 months, however, I’ve been using it most weekday mornings to work on a novel-in-progress. I’ve worked from home as a freelance writer/editor for a dozen years, and getting away from my usual desk for a couple of hours has created a much-needed separation of state. It is quiet and woodsy, and the wifi is spotty, which helps. Even in winter last year—unless the snow drifts barred the door—I largely kept to my schedule by bundling up and keeping a miniature space heater at my feet."
Monday posts are sponsored by garden2office, the Swedish garden office specialists. Click here for more details.


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