A welcome reminder from Rotunda on their blog that there are temporary increases to size limits single-storey rear extensions due to be completed by May 30, 2019. There's a lot of detail on the Planning Portal site which is a must read, but Rotunda sum it up the essentials nicely in that you can now build single storey extensions without planning permission as long as:
- The extension does not sit forward of the principal elevation
- Where it is within 2m of any boundary, the eaves cannot be higher than 3m, and no more than 4m in height otherwise
- Rear extensions — no more than 4m in depth (detached house) or 3m in depth (semi-detached or terrace).
- Side extensions — the width of the extension must not be greater than half the width of the original dwelling.
--------------------------------------------------------------------It’s definitely worth keeping in mind that the above criteria apply to the physical structure and location of a garden room or extension but the ‘intended use’ is a critical component when it comes to compliance. When it comes to outbuildings, the use should always be ‘incidental’ to that of the home, ie: home office/art studio/music room etc. Unfortunately Garden rooms under permitted development cannot be used for commercial B&B purposes neither can they be used as granny annexes or residential accommodation.

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