Thursday, March 08, 2012

Enter your garden office for Shed of the Year 2012

The Olympics is not the biggest international competitive event this year. Not by a long chalk. Yes, it's time to start preparing for the annual Shed of the Year competition, now bigger and better than ever before. Whether you've already entered your shed or need to enter this year for the first time, do nip along and take a look at the entry instructions at Essentially, you need at least two photos of your shed to enter, closing date is May 20, and public voting will start on May 21. Then once the contenders have been whittled down to a shortlist, the starry lineup of judges - Television's Sarah Beeny, bestselling author Neil Gaiman, Shed of the year 2011 Winner Jon Earl, Uncle Wilco from and me - will enter the fray... Shed Week itself starts on July 2 and You can see previous winners at Shed Blog
Thursday posts are sponsored by Atelier garden studios which are sustainable, stylish, flexible, functional and future proofed

1 comment:

  1. Reg Miller2:24 PM

    Hello folks, I was fortunate enough to WIN Shed of the year 2010 with my Pirate Cabin THE LADY SARAH OUT OF WORTHING and had a fantastic year.Apart from the financial rewards supplied by the good people at CUPRINOL (£1,000 prise money) I got a chance to be in Cuprinols TV.add. One of the most enjoyable parts of the year was the amount of online friends I made from ALL OVER THE WORLD. I strongly recomend you all click a few keys and enter your shed in this years International SHED OF THE YEAR 2012 competition. If you do me the honor of checking out my page PLEASE feel free to leave a comment. THE LADY SARAH OUT OF WORTHING or SHED OF THE YEAR 2010 Good luck and enjoy...Reg.
