Christian Payne is a freelance mobile media maker who also specialises in social media and photography: he's one of the country's leading multimedia practitioners, a decent chap and about to become a shedworker. Shedworking has been (very) informally helping him with a few ideas but it's interior designer
Yasmin Chopin who is actually designing the garden office, a build we hope to follow from start to finish here on Shedworking. Here are her initial thoughts:
The site for the new garden office, which is a neat rectangular shape, is tucked away at the end of the plot [pictured above]. Measuring 3200mm x 6000mm it is a good size and will have windows looking out over established planting to the south and west.
Two design problems to overcome are 1) excessive solar gain and glare and 2) the client requires a considerable amount of storage. Solutions may include a small veranda to shield the sun possibly with external shutters and bespoke storage using the vertical space as much as possible. All this on a very tight budget and services have to be brought in – electricity and WIFI.
My first decision is whether to go for a prefabricated garden office and fit out the interior to meet the client’s needs or to design from scratch and use a local builder for a bespoke size and shape. Cost is a major factor in this decision.

Monday posts are sponsored by garden2office, the Swedish garden office specialists.
Click here for more details.
If the building that Yasmin describes is to be built within a metre of the garden fence the building will need to meet full building regulations for insulation, double glazing, structural quality, fireproofing and it is also likely, looking at the site that it will need planning permission. Consequently I suggest involving a building professional ASAP.
ReplyDeleteLynn Fotheringham
The InsideOut Garden Office and Garden Rooms
Really look forward to reading this project, especially the design decisions involved to overcome the constraints.