Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Cake Lady: Cakes 4 Casualties garden office

Retired nurse Kath Ryan - known as the Cake Lady - has been baking cakes for thousands of injured servicemen and servicewomen in Birmingham since 2009 as part of her Cakes 4 Casulaties charity. Featured a couple of years ago on ITV's Love Your Garden with Alan Titchmarsh, she bakes from a 12ft x 8ft Studio Apex model from Malvern Garden Buildings.

The main feature is a fully equipped kitchen used by Kath not only to produce her tasty goodies, host tea parties and run Mental Health Days, but also to teach veterans to bake cakes. Here she is on her garden office space: “Before when one of my boys dropped in to say “hi” we had to resort to having cups of tea and slices of cake sat in the car parked on the drive. It’s so much more than I would ever have imagined or expected now I have a lovely garden and outdoor room we can sit in whatever the weather."


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